My boyfriend (20M) is going to be a 3rd year at a university and I (18F) is an incoming freshman at the same university. We've been together for 2+ years however we were long-distance for majority of it. We went to the same school until he moved a while ago because of family issues and then went to the current university. To make this clear I did not choose the university because of him and my dream was to go to this state since forever and it had the major I wanted to pursue. We've been talking about being together and thus moving in together and during that time it seems fine and dandy and was like a dream. However now I'm kinda regretting it because I'm realizing that I don't know if I wanna live with him not because he's a bad person or anything, he's honestly amazing. I feel like this new experience and moving is revolving around this idea of us and I feel as though living with him would hinder my growth and social life/restart. We've talked about being together forever and eventually marrying in the future. I am an Asian-American woman and there's this idea of worshiping ancestors and them looking out for you and only guiding you to the best route for life. These days I've been feeling like I'm maturing but he's been stagnant in his growth, I was immature and he was not before and now I feel like things have swapped. I've been so blindly in love and still very in love with him I feel like I've ignore or didn't see how some things don't allign so I've been feeling off lately again maybe I'm just on my period. Anyways the ancestors are often prophets and tells what's gonna happen and I don't think I'll be marrying this guy and it's kinda making me look at things differently and eye opening to what I've been overlooking or missed. I love him so much but I don't think I made the best idea.

Tl;dr : I don't think I made the right decision to move in with my boyfriend of 2+ years for college and I'm just thinking. Please help me and what should I do and is it wrong to think that way?

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