The original one obviously

  1. It’s kind of run down and has a serious opioid problem. The old mill buildings are pretty awesome though.

    Wait which one are we talking about?

  2. There’s a second one?

    Idk, it’s a city half-ish way between Edinburgh and London. I’ve never needed to know anything about it.

    Oh and people get mad if you say you support Manchester United, which I picked up as a throwaway answer from Eurotrip and kept using occasionally for the reactions.

  3. Mostly things I learned in the course of Joy Division documentaries/biographies (I was a big fan). Quite dated info at this point but a lot of the themes of economic troubles from that time period their music was written (late 70s) were very resonant to me growing up in an Appalachian town where all the manufacturing had closed down years earlier.

    Not much more modern than that, other than it being a large city in England!

  4. You have too large soccer teams, one is a has-been club that everyone enjoys watching get worse every year, the other is a blood money club who bought their last couple of titles.

    They are large, formerly industrial city that from what I understand has been pretty gentrified in recent years and is now one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. Traditional capital of Lancashire.

    Also terrorist love to bomb you unfortunately, whether they be IRA or ISIS.

  5. There are 2 soccer teams there and one of them just won the Premier League. I guess I could also vaguely point to it on a map. Beyond that nota ton.

  6. I met the prettiest girl from there and she had the most unintelligible English accent I’ve ever come across.

  7. Soccer. Big university. Industrial roots. Like to talk smack about Londoners.

  8. I know that people from there protested against potential British intervention in the American Civil War. I think there’s a statue of Lincoln there to honor the efforts of abolitionists in Manchester to keep Britain from aiding the Confederacy.

    Also they have Man United.

  9. I did not know it was a place until I went to college (University) and someone in my hallway had a big Manchester United flag on the wall of his dorm room. He had to explain to me that it was a soccer team from the UK. I still don’t know anything about Manchester as a place.

    The guy from college was an American from my state, too. I’m pretty much proclaiming my own ignorance here. Unless you’re a soccer fan you wouldn’t have much exposure to it. The same could probably be said about a lot of US cities that have major sports franchises, at least to a foreigner.

  10. Nothing at all. If I were to visit Manchester, what sites would you recommend?

  11. Fuck City. Fuck United.

    Pep’s lucky he’s got that endless river of blood money to play with. Man City fans in the U.S. are almost worse than United fans…and even all the “die-hard” City supporters have only been fans for five years and can’t name more than two players on the team.

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