I (15m) am talking to a girl (16f) who has a very busy life style. She takes college classes, hangs out with her friends, does sports, does theatre, etc. I love that she does so much and is a well rounded person and adventurous but what I don’t love is how we don’t ever get to text or she can take 30+ minutes to reply. It makes me feel sad because she isn’t texting me. This is not her fault at all and I recognize that this comes from my fear of abandonment and me not wanting to mess up any chance I have with her. I know you aren’t supposed to compare, but in the past girls would reply within under 10 minutes. So this is new to me. What are some strategies/advice you could give me so I don’t feel this way?

(I feel like I should add this bit: whenever we do text she is very reassuring and calls me pet names and will send me cute videos, so I know she is interested in me.)

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