My partner (25F) and I (27M) had an argument about household chores. She doesn’t do much most of the day other than nap and take work meetings (she’s on the bench, so not much work for the past year) but I do 80% of the dish washing, cooking and laundry. For a bit of background, my parents don’t approve of our relationship, they’re never mean to her (they just told me they don’t like her cause I’m supporting her fully as she moved closer to be with me and she refuses to work or live in their house to save money), so she doesn’t like them, even though they and I have supported her financially and treated her kindly. But during this argument, she said my parents don’t love me and that her parents are better and that they love her more than my parents love me. I didn’t say anything, even though her parents said hurtful stuff like that I’m not rich enough for her to move and that they can afford her a better quality of life (they haven’t done anything to do that!)
Is this a red flag? 🚩
Do I run?

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