I got this Cuisineart 11 Deluxe as an absolute steal (literally free) from a yard sale. It’s beautiful and worked perfectly. I lent it to a guy before I had ever used it, and when he gave it back to me he apologized and showed me that he snapped off one of the clicking mechanisms on the lid. He offered to buy a new one, but I told him it was alright and that it happens to all of us. I just tried it out again and it will not work unless I’m actively holding down the lid. A new lid is $30. I already told him it was alright, but I don’t have the money for a new lid. What should I do here? I’m thinking imma just suck it up and buy a new lid myself when I have the money, but a small part of me feels like he should cover it.

Note that this dude is a stranger to me. He’s in my dorm (college) and this was our only exchange. I don’t know if that changes anything.

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