1. Anything she might disagree with. My mom is short-tempered and a control freak, so if you disagree with what’s obviously true in her mind, she just gets mad and having a conversation is impossible.

  2. Relationships. I’m unable to vent to her or ask for advice. My mom believes women should do whatever their man asks to keep him happy, even if your happiness is at stake.

  3. There’s a lot of things I don’t talk to her about. My brother gave her the nickname “walk with a wind” because she can’t keep quiet about anything. We don’t tell her anything that we don’t want everyone she knows to know too.

  4. Nothing involving puberty growing up. Nothing I just need to vent about because she tries to tell me “what she would do”. Also if I tell her something she doesn’t agree with she finds any way to prove me wrong

  5. Most personal things. I love my mom but we were never close and idk she is not the person who I turn to.

  6. There’s very little I *can* talk to her about tbh. She’s emotionally immature and a very negative person in general.

    Anything I’m remotely excited about she has to put a damper on, and I can’t tell her about anything negative because she’ll fixate on it and make it out to be the end of the world. Interactions with her are largely stressful.

  7. I can’t talk to my mom about anything she is negative and turns everything into a life lesson, so i dont bother telling her anything .

  8. My mom has boundary issues. My mom can’t keep a secret. And she’s controlling. There’s a reason I moved far away from her. I tell her pretty much nothing. It’s like I sprained my ankle and I didn’t tell her until months after it had pretty much already healed. So she might find out about something’s way after there’s anything for her to meddle in.

  9. A lot of things. She’s a devout Christian and there is a lot going on in my life that she will obviously disapprove of..especially the topic of my romantic relationship(s) .. It’s one that I avoid when around her.

  10. I don’t talk to her about anything. She’s the last person I would call if I needed anything. She’s selfish and emotionally immature. Anything I share would be posted on Facebook or in her church prayer book. If I want to tell her something, I might as well put it on a billboard in the middle of town.

  11. Politics (we have way too many different opinions), my mental health (she doesn’t believe that it exists), and my own future (she doesn’t care).

  12. anything. the woman has no self awareness, an outrageous god complex, is jealous and vindictive and in constant competition with women. she literally does not want her daughters to do better than her in life. also a prolific liar and will create completely false narratives about you so others stay on her side. im apparently currently trying to make my father divorce her and steal her house from her…(theyve been separated since i was 5 & my niece lives in the home which i ENCOURAGED because its a stable physical home. why would I try and take it from her? what do i gain???) telling her anything gives her ammo and honestly i feel like she wishes too much bad on me to tell her my personal life. i could probably talk to her about my dad being an asshole or any other gossip because thats all she wants to talk about, other than how amazing she is & everyones achievements are actually her own…

    there is absolutely something diagnosable there.

  13. Honestly most things. Growing up, I couldn’t talk to her about make-up, clothes, and boys because she had such different opinions about things and I didn’t trust her not to get my dad involved if I did something she didn’t approve of or understand. I don’t think we ever transitioned into becoming friends after I became an adult. She still doesn’t 100% understand my humor/sarcasm and it’s hard to have a lighthearted conversation with her sometimes because she’s so serious. Sometimes I wish we were closer, but I also am admittedly more on guard with my family and prefer to keep them at a distance due to the times in the past that I’ve been hurt by them.

  14. A lot of these are really sad. Honestly I can’t think of anything I couldn’t talk to my mother about, though she gets a bit uncomfortable when i

  15. Literally nothing. I can talk to her about everything. She is a good listener, offers advice if she has it, or doesn’t if she feels it is not her place to. She doesn’t harp on me, nag me, and honestly can’t think of a time she has criticized me.

    I have never argued with my mom. Yeah, I know, when I tell people this I constantly get told that it is so weird but she has been and is a great mother.

  16. I’m bisexual, and my mother doesn’t know. We are very close, but it’s the one thing I know I can never talk to her about.

  17. Anything about who I am or what I like. I have to walk on eggshells around her because she gets very emotional over the smallest things. She is very uptight and religious and her mind is closed tighter than Alcatraz.

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