So I was on a highway when car on my left starts coming into my lane, highway was crowded so i have cars on my right, so i give him honk, he speeds up and after couple meters of riding with the line in the middle of his car, he switches back to his lane, during which i give him a honk again.
After this he pulls up to me and starts yellling to pull over and trying to fight me, now, I can fight but, I dont think its a good idea to fight over roadrage, so i dont stop. He pulls up again, yelling and this time, he tried crashing into me or running me off the road by steering quickly into me, i slowed down in time so i avoided that and i was on my way, but he was chasing me for another 5 minutes, then sped up, but was waiting for me in the middle of the highway. And then he took an exit.

What should I do in this case? I dont really wanna see him in the streets because thats gonna lead to one of us getting arrested and other going to morgue, which, over road rage, is not worth it in my opinion.

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