Hello my bf (23M) and I (22F) have been together for 6 months. In the beginning of our relationship we had a lot of great sex. I always knew he had a porn addiction but I didn’t think it would make his performance worse over time. I don’t know if he just doesn’t find me attractive anymore or other stressors but it’s gotten to a point where we haven’t had penetrative sex in 2 months. When we do anything however, it’s strictly me performing oral on him. He doesn’t get hard for anything else, he doesn’t even get me off. In fact it makes him angry to even go down on me. He has made me feel bad for wanting to fix this and asked if I only liked him for sex….I think it’s natural for a girlfriend to want sex from her partner. I don’t know though.

I asked him just now to stop watching porn but he just said, “are you fucking kidding me?” so I don’t know if that’s out of the question. He is also not the healthiest….I really don’t know what to do because everything was perfect in the beginning and I want to just go back to how things were. Maybe it’s because it was new and exciting? I am lost and just want a normal relationship. One where I don’t feel bad for asking for affection like cuddles and sex.

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