So I (18M) and my girlfriend (18F) still live at home and so does my brother (20M). Whenever we are out together or at the dinner table I’ve noticed over my girlfriend and I’s one year relationship that she is always turning away from me the minute my brother starts talking but barely even looks at me when I am, regardless of how long. On top of this when conversation has stopped she is continually looking at his features like, vascular hands and other features. One time my brother and I were having a gym session and I looked back after I had finished my squats to my girlfriend starring and my brothers arms as he was doing bent over dumbbell rows. Please let me know if this is probably me overthinking something here or I should be feeling a little frustrated or something about this stuff and how to go about it?

  1. You should just ask her. It’s hard to know if something is really happening or if you’re just overthinking, so the best thing is to just ask her

  2. The options I see are:

    1. Suffer in silence
    2. Talk to her about it
    3. Break up

  3. Do what a normal guy would do in your situation.

    Ask for her hot sister to join dinner.

  4. Just let her know how much of a dizzy cunt she is for not even attempting to hide this- is it not somewhat natural to “notice” people we find attractive? Along with porn twisting all of our minds into fantasizing about that situation even if the sibling wasn’t attractive haha idk.. I’d just be like.. BRO, da fuq you always eye fucking my brother for? Everyone notices it and it’s embarrassing being with someone so unaware of their surroundings

  5. Well I don’t think any of us here can tell if you are overthinking or not. We can’t even say if she is actually “checking him out” because we were not there with you. There is a possibility you may be worried for nothing and she has no intention to do that.
    However, you are here on relationship advice sub and upset about someone you care about so I trust your gut feeling and you may have a valid reason to be upset with her.
    I would be super annoyed too if my partner checked out someone like that specially when I’m right there, let alone the person they check out is my sibling! Total red flag.
    Perhaps you should hint her that your brother is looking for a gf and she can introduce one of her friends to him. See if she gets defensive or excited. I think that will help you see her true intentions

  6. A safe and effective way to do it is by making certain she knows that you are aware of this. Whenever you see her checking him out, stare directly in her eyes and laugh a little at her. At first she won’t know why you’re laughing, but soon she’ll catch on since you only do it when she’s staring. This shows that you know what she’s doing, but you’re confident about it and not insecure. And if she asks, tell her.

  7. Tell her to quit. If you developed a habit of staring at your gf’s sister’s body she wouldn’t be obligated to discern your intentions to call it out and neither do you. The staring itself is a problem regardless of what she thinks. Tell her that her ogling of your brothers body is creepy and disrespectful, and there won’t be a relationship if it persists.

  8. “vascular” hands…. Maybe she is weird out by it?

    Some people have no idea how obvious they are in their actions or expressions. You could try taking pictures of her or video her doing it.

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