Like the title says, my girlfriend is moving in with me next month due to her landlord increasing her rent by $300 per month. We’ve been dating for 8.5 months (9.5 when she moves in). We’ve discussed living together many times and both know that it’s coming in our future, but this is sooner than we both expected. We had a long talk about what the best move for her and for us is, and agreed that her moving with me rather than finding her own place for a few months is the best move.

We are very in love and super compatible, but also very different people regarding things like what media we like, decorating tastes, and love languages. This is the first time I’ll have cohabitated with a partner, so I’m just looking for advice on what I need to know prior to her moving in, any advice folks have, and things I should keep in mind.

Also, I’m feeling nervous that, because I live in a small apartment, it’s going to be difficult for me to do the things I like (play video games mostly) while ensuring I’m not monopolizing the tv or taking up her time. Is it normal to feel this way? Like I’m nervous for the big change? I’m very excited, too, of course.

TL;DR: Girlfriend is moving in with me after 9 months of being together. Looking for advice, things to keep in mind, etc..

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