Should I drop this guy?

So i started talking to this guy on tinder and at some point i just forget to keep talking to him (bc i have the attention span of a nat) so fast forward a couple weeks later and i get a message from him saying maybe we can continue our conversation on a date which i was like yes pls i hate talking online, I get bored easily and im dry af, so he was like cool can I get your insta and snap so we can plan it – so I give him my stuff and we send snaps and he tells me he’s doing a job rn in the trades in another town a o he can’t hang for about a week and a bit which I was fine with and it was true I recognized some landmarks of that town. Anyways fast forward to when he’s supposedly done the job I was like ok so do you still wanna go out on a date and he says yes for next weekend but he might have to go get his wisdom teeth out on Wednesday I said that’s totally fine, I thought it was a little weird bc usually you either or aren’t getting your wisdom teeth out but I trusted him since a friend of mine knew him and said he was a great guy. So Wednesday comes and I ask did you have the surgery yet and he said no he was able to get out of it for a bit longer so I asked so what are the plans for this weekend then? And he needs to check with his boss bc he can’t do Saturday bc he’s working but he might be able to do Sunday. So Saturday comes and I had to text him to ask him what’s the plan and he said he can’t bc he works in the morning and he has to coach his sisters softball game in the afternoon so I just said ok.

Any idea why he may have asked me out when it seems like he’s just making up excuses to get out of it? He might not be idk it’s seems to sus to me

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