Genuine question:

If I’m the horrible, mean, and abusive person in our marriage per my husband, then why am I the one who is doing everything I can to get out of this marriage when he claims he wants to stay in it and “work it out”?


I’m desperately trying to get out of my marriage (33F). I made the mistake of marrying my high school sweetheart (M32), who turned out to be anything but a sweetheart.

He went to two decent and relatively well known schools, one of which he earned a law degree from after graduating in 2018 (read on regarding the irony of that).

He never applied for a single job.

He only started working consistently earning a paycheck 6-7 months ago when his mommy gave him a job working for their family real estate company.

I also have a few degrees and work in healthcare.

I supported us for 4 years without any consistent financial contribution from him. Including through a horrendous pregnancy where I developed severe pre-eclampsia, was admitted to the hospital at 30 weeks and had to stay until delivery. Due to the severity and complications, I didn’t think I would make it.

Less than 8 weeks after having our baby via an urgent section, I started a second job working in a healthcare facility with 10-16 hour shifts; on top of my first and main job running my own business.

He did work with me in my business for a period of time, trying to act as the manager of the practice which nearly bankrupted me, he also routinely lied and did not complete tasks in a timely manner.

I have spoken with multiple counselors who believe he is a narcissist and possible sociopath. The problem for him is his manipulation tactics no longer work on me. All I want is out.

I’ve done everything I can to get out of the marriage including:

  • suggesting couples counseling 4 years ago. He refused and only became an advocate for it after I hired a divorce attorney this past October.

  • signed all the necessary paperwork to file.

  • the courts sent him certified mail with the divorce information in it to which he never responded.

  • the court then sent him the documents requesting his response via regular mail (which he did receive, but ignored the 28 day deadline he had to respond)

  • now the judge is in the process of assigning a court date

  • he has made the process as contentious as possible and refuses to respond to the courts requests for contact and he refuses to retain his own attorney.

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