I 34 F and my fiancé 37 M have been together for 2 years. We are currently out of town visiting my parents and the trip has been so-so at best. We met and live in a large city, however we are both more introverted and prefer to stay in and game, watch YouTube, movies, TV, board games etc. we don’t go out much, mostly to get food if anything. While we’ve been here, we’ve gone out to a few restaurants and done some shopping. My fiancé even prefers to do most of his shopping online and is a true introvert. I am mostly introverted, but like to go out here and there. My fiancé isn’t scared of bugs, but gets very paranoid of flying insects and has been freaking out here and there with the flies that have gotten into the house as we’ve been letting the dogs in and out.

My dilemma is that I wanted to go to the lake that I grew up going to, but my boyfriend doesn’t really like the outdoors, or swimming, or large bodies of water and I cannot see bringing him to a lake in the woods when he can barely
tolerate a few flies in the house. He is willing to go, but I chose to cancel. I’m getting too much anxiety over wondering how he will react when he’s there. He told me he felt out of place for our whole trip and when I asked how we can work on it, he said we can’t and it’s just something inside him. I can’t imagine taking him to a place so far outside his comfort zone on the last day of our trip when he’s been feeling “out of place” the whole time. Maybe I’m over thinking, but I won’t enjoy myself worrying about him.

Suggestions on how to compromise on things like this in the future?

TL;DR my fiancé makes me too anxious to take him to different or new places. I canceled the trip to the lake, how can we compromise with such different interests?

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