Me and my husband got into an argument. It was all about me doing so much and feeling unappreciated.
Yes he works, but so do I. Then I clean, cook everyday, make sure he has breakfast, wait for him to come home late just so we can eat together. He gets mad when I eat before he comes. Once I went to the bathroom and told him to wait for me, and he couldn’t even do that. Yet he’s allowed to get mad after I’ve waited until 12am for him to get home. He has his own business and also works a 9-5.

Most of the time I feel like he treats his customers much better than me. He’s always available to them, never sets a boundary. If they call or text at 3am, he will still answer.

I’ve mentioned that he needs to set business hours and stick to it, but he says that I have to understand that he needs to make money.
He doesn’t appreciate me. Instead he said everything I do for him is voluntary.
I feel like I should stop doing everything for him so he can realize.
We have been together for almost 6 years.

What would you do if your husband said this?

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