Hi, im in my teens and have this summer school job thats in my school. Atfirst I prayed to God to not let me in because i didnt want to be in a situation where id have to talk to people Ive barely said a word to. But, I got the job and now I actually think its a blessing.

Today was the first day of the job, ive recentely read an article how the world doesnt revolve around you and people dont care what you think or say. I usually close up because i feel like its better to not say anything then the say anything weird people might judge me for. I'm working on that still but made progress! So I sat by myself, and I think a few people noticed me but what did i just say.

I noticed a distant friend, meaning i dont talk to her like ever. but we still have mutual friendliness and respect. Later in snack period we actually talked alot about summer trips, what we did ect.

Then in lunch i was originally sitting by myself, a teacher told me and this other girl to stand up and go to the kitchen or something? we didn't really hear him so we just stood there. I asked to sit on her table and she said yes. I also sat with that friend i just talked to and sure they all talked to eachother, but atleast I was included. No one mentioned my name or looked at me. I was just there. I said bye to the girl, and left the moment i noticed others left.

Other than that I've also been improving in my academics by reading a book and had a geniune talk with my tutor! My reading level went up, and I also talked to another kid at the lecture. Im starting to feel like ive improved.

But the thing is i havent really talked to anyone outside of my comfort zone and dont plan to. Im planning to skip lunch because i heard that other students also left by then. And arriving on time or later to the school so i dont have to be sitting by myself or anything. This might be cowardly of me but atleast I tried it out!

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