Canadian here. This might be a stupid question but I'm curious to see how this differs between European countries vs. former European colonies abroad.

I know that here and in a number of other former European colonies, there is a sentiment among a lot of people that we should aim to decolonize. This might mean changing the power structures that came from colonial times, doing more to recognize the indigenous people and cultures, or renaming things to have indigenous names instead of colonial ones.

I'm curious to know if this is as popular of a sentiment in settler-colonial countries in Europe. These are some specific questions I have, but does this sentiment exist among some people in your country as well? In other words, is this a thing in Europe?

  • Is there any sentiment among Hungarians to decolonize Magyar-occupied Hungary?
  • Is there any push to decolonize the former Greek/Byzantine areas of Turkey? Does anyone in Turkey refer to Istanbul as Κωνσταντινούπολη, or is there a push from anyone to start calling it that?
  • Is there a sentiment in Nordic countries to decolonize or to do more to recognize the Sami cultures?
  • Is there a sentiment among Brits and Gibraltarians to reject colonial British rule, or among Spanish people to get rid of Spanish rule in Ceuta, Melilla, and the Canary Islands?

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