My (29f) boyfriend (25m) and I have been dating for a little over a year. Things are amazing with him and the healthiest relationship I’ve ever had, and we’ve discussed seeing a future with one another and both have great full time jobs. We live about an hour apart from each other but are constantly staying at each others places and sometimes I will stay at his place for 1-2 weeks at a time. The only argument we seem to have is the timeline of moving in with one another. Whenever I bring it up he always says he wants to be set financially, but he has a high paying job, he just spends on his money on his hobby. I don’t mind his hobby it’s just annoying that he dumps all his money into it even if it means he can’t do other things. He also currently lives in an apartment with his roommates who are a couple. He has lived in the apartment with another girl 3 or 4 years ago when they were together. My lease is coming up and I really don’t understand the hold up. It would be infinitely cheaper to move in with each other in our own place or even in the apartment he’s currently in as he’s done it in the past. He used to always be sappy and joking saying stuff like “just stay here forever so we don’t have to drive back and forth” but when I brought up the actual possibility now he’s back tracking. I’m feeling deflated by the dismissiveness cause he doesn’t like discussing it. How should I approach this differently, or do I just wait it out for when he’s more ready?

TLDR; my(29f) boyfriend (25m) doesn’t want to move in with each other after being with each other for over a year

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