Genuinely wondering…even in the large, diverse, and "liberal" city that I live in (NYC) I rarely if ever see an interracial couple. And when I do see an interracial couple it's pretty much always a White man with an Asian woman. I understand that humans tend to prefer those who look like them but you would think in our "post-racial" modern society you'd see a bit more "mixing"…so what gives?? Does ethnicity really matter that much to be a literal deal breaker?

Hypothetical for the women here…if there was a tall, relatively attractive, muscular South Asian guy that dresses well and makes good money (300k+), and can make you laugh, etc…would you not even consider getting into an LTR with this guy? Or a hook up?

Is it maybe because this type of guy would never actually go for a non-Indian woman? Since sometimes the parents can be strict or there are cultural/religious compatibility issues??

TL;DR: where are all the interracial couples at?? Why is it only white man – Asian woman couples?

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