Hiya I’m a 20F never been anything. I always thought it would happen naturally, which is dumb when you go to an all girls school in high school and then have social anxiety in college. So now it’s summer and I’m tired of waiting so I downloaded Hinge!

It’s terrifying putting myself out there. I have lots of guys liking my profile but Idk, I just keep thinking they’re all superficial likes. I don’t even match with the ones I like back, I just read their profile as they come and get all nervous and insecure. I don’t want to talk because I’m scared of being disappointed. I don’t know how to talk to guys, nor do I know how to broach the subject of it being my first time.

I just feel really awkward, especially since I imagine most guys my age aren’t looking for a relationship. And I don’t even know how I would go on a date as I can’t drive and probably wouldn’t want to tell a first date where I live.

Any advice?

Edit: It’s not that the guys that are liking me on hinge are not good enough for me, it’s that I feel not good enough because I don’t know what I’m doing nor am I all that attractive.

  1. Advice 1: don’t tell anyone right away that you’re new to dating. F boys will sniff that out and try to take advantage of you in one way or another.

    Advice 2: go into it with the idea of friendship, and that may make it easier. Crack jokes, have fun and remember you’re not swiping for marriage.

    Advice 3: remember most the people on those sites are just as awkward, and sometimes awful- you don’t need to see the best in everyone

    Advice 4: always meet in public when that time comes. Go for coffee or walks and let someone know what you’re doing and where you’re gonna be. I swear I should be dead after a few tinder days I’ve been on. Be smarter than me please

  2. Honestly, take the risk (do it safely please). Despite not matching with the guys you like, you can’t allow that to stop you. I mean, you can’t expect to match with the man of your dreams straight up.

    Make the profile, if you need assistance with like the bio etc ask for help from your close friends, use a funny joke or something.

    Go on dates and who knows, looks ain’t everything remember. You might meet the guy you’re looking for sooner than you think. Good luck!

  3. I think the phrase “what if you could find someone better?” is really fucked up. If you keep thinking like that, you will have every person that you ever date feeling incredibly insecure and like you’re on the lookout for “someone better”

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