Context – i’m 20 now but when I was 14 I saw this child around 6 (the now 14 year old who harasses me) on the street when I was walking down the road and I was with my friend. I saw a feral looking man across the road and said look it’s a homeless guy to my friend. The heard and then said hey that’s my dad so I basically ran off with my friend cause the not so homeless guy looks feral and scary.

From that point on any time I walk around my area and see the boy he will hurl insults me for something that happened 5 years ago. Saying horrible things and I basically just ignore it. But I can tell by his fashion and friends that he is turning somewhat like a future druggy like teenage dropout aggressive. And the last time I saw him he even kicked me. Mind u this kick was like weak as hell and half assed and barely felt like a touch. However I’m still scared shitless for when he fully hits puberty. Like I want to fight back but I don’t want to punch a child and get a criminal record. Everytime he does like hurl his insults I just keep walking and ignore him. Unfortunately this is doing nothing so what do you recommend I should do in this situation? He also knows where I live haha. I just want this little shir to leave me alone

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