UPDATE: Earlier, she finally texted back saying that she wants some space and that she’s not mad at me but just needs time. I tried to talk with her about it and it just seems like she wants to be left alone. Yesterday she did say because she’s been through so much she tends to push people away and that she needs to learn to not push me away, yet today it was back to the ignoring thing. I’ll just leave her alone and see what happens. I still have some hope for our relationship. I don’t want to give up really and I honestly shouldn’t be dealing with all this at 16.

I am a 16M currently in a 4 month relationship with 16F. We have both been through a lot in our pasts before meeting each other, some things I can’t really disclose. More so with her. Anyways, Things have been going really good in our relationship these past couple of months, but recently (especially this week) they have been really rocky. Usually in the past, she would show me way more displays of affection in general. Small things like good morning texts or just checking up on me. However, we have had a bit more arguments especially recently and sometimes when I try to communicate with her she rarely/never wants to talk about it. Majority of the times the arguments are relatively small but they still happen a decent amount which i’m trying to work on. She has also been ignoring me a bit more recently. Yesterday night, we had an argument about movie tickets and I was really frustrated and called her a hypocrite which she really didn’t like. I apologized for everything and the next morning i thought everything would be okay and I was talking to my dad about it, when she texted me how the relationship was mentally draining, how her mindset wasn’t to be in a relationship and how she wanted a break. I was so lost because she’s told me countless of times how much she wants to be with me and how long she wants this to last. I asked her to specify if she really just wanted to break up and she said yes, and then said maybe we can work it out one day. I was obviously sad and didn’t know what to do, but about 4 hours later she texted me saying that she was really sorry for saying all that stuff and she was just upset and didn’t mean to say she wanted to break up with me, which my dad told me would happen and that she just needed to cool off. So i forgave her and everything was good until about 9pm. She had facetimed me and we were just chilling, when she suddenly hung up and has yet to say anything on what happened or where she is. I know she’s been on her phone because i’ve seen she’s watched my stories and was active on instagram and tiktok. I know this sounds so corny and just a typical high school relationship I probably shouldn’t take serious, but later when i thought she was sleeping i saw that she reposted a TikTok about stalking your boyfriend and his “other girl’s” Twitter, TikTok , and instagram account. And how you should stalk your boyfriend in general. I am so confused because i genuinely have never cheated on anyone, let alone her and I don’t know why she won’t just talk to me when she has a problem even thought she apologized and said she was willing to work things out with me just hours before.

Should I just give her space to cool off and let her text me back? Or what should I do? The whole thing about her saying she’s not in a mindset to be in a relationship really has me confused because she contradicted herself literally right after by saying that she hoped that I would stay with her and I that I was willing to work with her. I already said i’m willing to work with her and not break up over essentially nothing but i’m lost and kind of stressed right now. Maybe I’m just overreacting and she just doesn’t want to talk at the moment? People have told me I overreact often and she hasn’t ever really given me a clear cut reason to just completely end things, but i’m seriously not trying to get hurt once again like I did last summer so i’m trying to keep my guard up. Or maybe I’m just taking everything out of proportion and nothing bad is happening? I understand i’m only 16 and shouldn’t really be taking anything serious. Any advice would be helpful or if you need more details I can give them.

TL;DR;: My girlfriend and I have been having issues these last few days and she has been ignoring me since last night after suddenly ending the call, I see her active on social media, what should i do?

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