How many times did you avoid eating a banana or an ice cream normally because people will say that’s sus?

  1. Never. If people think it’s sexual is just because they’re already thinking about me sexually. I can’t stop them being attracted to me.

  2. o I would say that I avoid eating those things around people probably about 50% of the time.

  3. Why is this even a thing? God people can be so damned stupid. Let’s not eat anything that could be considered phallus shaped because it might get mistaken as fellatio? Are we that overly offended by sex now?

  4. Honestly this never would have occurred to me without the internet and like many such things I still think it’s ridiculous.

  5. Is it normal to shove the banana down your throat until you gag? Because that’s how I’ve always eaten them….

  6. Is this actually a thing? Anyway, I’m sure anyone who does see me eat either of those would also see my wedding ring, too.

  7. – Make direct eyecontact
    – Don’t blink
    – keep eating and staring
    – dominance asserted
    – ???
    – Profit.

  8. If it makes them uncomfortable, or think it’s “sus”, I’ll deepthroat that mf.

  9. In college I had a housemate that would not eat hotdogs because they looked like a dick to him… but he loved him some bologna sandwiches… I didn’t have the heat to tell him that an uncut bologna, looks like ginormous hotdog….

  10. How the eff are you eating your banana? Are you stroking it and sucking/give it a blowjob? Just bite it and eat normally.

  11. Honestly, I dont give a shit what other people will think of me in that situation. I mean, food is food man, just eat it however you like it.

  12. I usually compare it to my dick first and then tell people how deep I could take myself in. Weird looks I get in the supermarket…

  13. Next time lick the banana, then charge at them with it whilst saying “wanna try my banana”.

    Anyway, it’s all bants, so don’t be afraid to eat those foods.

  14. Exactly 0 times. Got made fun of eating ice by a friend when I was 6 but he had the same ice so we just made fun of each other and embraced it.

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