I have always told myself I should life to the fullest because I could die one day. But I don't actually believe it. I have always had this thought of being invincible in a way, I've had a unhealthy diet most of my life. I've chugged cases of soda a large part of my life, eaten greasy ass foods, gourged on snacks, barely touching what is healthy, and survived through some mental health issues and never had a life threatening disease. Hell I don't have many loved ones, and none of them have died yet. I don't know death truly so I don't fear it.

But I also don't appreciate life either. I've hit a point where I know I've taken life for granted, constantly being impatient, wanting the future to hurry for the mundane things in life like that new season of a show or that video game to release.

I have come to a place where I hit a rough patch where I need to improve my life and mental health. I want to appreciate life so I want to face the fact I will actually die one day and there will not be a tomorrow.

I was reading "The Subtle Art of not giving a Fuck" by Mark Manson, and in the end of the book he talked about how he stood at the edge of a cliff and faced his own mortality. I want this.

How have you faced the fact you will die one day?

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