I am good at talking to anyone. About anything. I am not shy. But honestly I just don't care about the stupid things people talk about. And their conclusions. At work, the solution is so obvious, literally anyone can say it, and when I do people act as if they have never thought of the solution. Socially, while I can engage and have a discussion about any topic, I often find that most opinions people are trying to drive are just… Well, honestly stupid.

I don't know how else to say it. I don't know if it bears mentioning my I'm high functioning asd f 43.

Regarding my work comment I am an architect in IT.

I often wonder do people just say things to say something or are they aware what they are saying is complete nonsense?

I know how to be charming when I want to be, but it's just so draining and honestly I just don't care.

Can anyone else relate or am I just a weirdo?

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