so i have been meaning to get into running and decided to get a pair of shoes to start. i been playing basketball but want something different when im not hooping. i go to this shoe store after work and decide to stop by and get a pair or at least see what’s out there. as soon as i walk in, there’s a girl at the register and she’s stunning. but i came for shoes so i didn’t care too much. i asked her for some advice and she ended up helping me get a pair. we chatted for a bit and she seemed really cool honestly. i paid for my things then asked for a pen, i wrote down my number telling her that it would be dope to run together sometime. my hand writing is so ass bro, but i just hope she’s able to read it 😭

wether or not she hits me up im really glad i did it! not usually my thing but i feel like we hit it off a bit. would love to hear y’all’s thoughts about it.

  1. Nice you are the man

    She may get nervous

    Go back again and ask for hers . Confidence is attractive and tell her you risk embarrassing yourself because you think she is worth it

    Good luck

  2. next time ask for her number OK giving a girl your number basically is announcing that you don’t have the guts and you’re too timid to ask for her number …that you fear rejection so much …that you are unwilling to just ask for her number. OK it also puts the work on her to do something uncomfortable rather than you do it.

  3. I think you did the right move, you really went for it, so congrats man! And by the way could you update us if she calls?

  4. You did the right move just stay positive and congrats:) I messaged my now gf online when I saw her profile, We have been together 1 year 4 months this Monday.

  5. I wish I had your courage! Nice job dude.

    Even if the girl doesn’t get back to you, you accomplished something that most men are afraid to do.

    Also don’t let those negative comments get to you. Some people say you should have asked them first, but what they don’t see is that if the girl is not comfortable, she will throw it away. Every country has its own ways of asking someone out, and every person has different approach.

  6. Nah, you did the right thing dude, she was at work and had to be nice at you.
    The ball is on her side now🤞

  7. Just waiting for all the comments screaming “ShE wAs oNlY nIcE cOz ThAtS hEr JoB!”

    Yeh, we know. But doesn’t mean you can’t shoot your shot in a respectful way.

    I’ve done this once or twice in my life but with no luck. Let us know if she messages.

  8. Nice bro! A lot of guys freeze up and never give or get contact info so that takes guts itself. You woulda regretted it badly if you didn’t so that’s awesome! Hopefully you guys can start hanging out, I wish you luck bud…you got this stay strong 💪

  9. If she’s interested she will text you but good job on keeping it very casual!

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