Soo I went on a first date last night. Typically I don't get sexual on a first date but given circumstances I will not share here for confidentiality, I thought why not. So I went down on him and he clearly was enjoying it. I looked up at him and he said to me "you're so pretty" while his dick was in my mouth. What should I think of this? 😂 Very nice guy with a respectable job and I am seeing him again next week for date #2 which was set up before the great sucking of 2024….but I never had a dude say this to me before? Help?!

  1. There is literally nothing more beautiful than a woman performing oral sex on me. There’s just a huge rush of whatever chemicals that cause a person to feel love when a girl is doing that. I’m sure he was conveying the way he felt in that moment.

  2. compliment! i love hearing how good i look/ feel when pleasing someone. i enjoy it even more.

  3. > I looked up at him and he said to me “you’re so pretty” while my dick was in my mouth.

    That’s some very skilled ventriloquism type stuff….

  4. Think a lot of guys in general will just compliment you when giving head. There isn’t any deeper meaning

  5. Some people just consider nice compliments like that part of sex talk. Like that’s their “style” vs. “dirty” talk lol.

  6. A lot of Kinks or sexual proclivities come out of contrast between two opposed ideas. For example you have “punish me, daddy” in the context of a kind person who is gentle enough to trust in that role. Contrast.

    So for me, there’s something so scandalously delightful about the contrast in a girl sucking a cock. You have the woman’s pretty face/soft beauty and that fat, thick, ugly cock in her mouth. Something so elegant comes into contact with something so indecent. There’s something very arousing about all of that.

  7. Positive reinforcement for encouraging future repeat performances. 😂 Sex should be fun and light hearted and I think he played it well. To his credit, he did not say, “you look pretty with a cock in your mouth.” Hopefully this encourages you to be comfortable with communication regarding sex. Some people an be really uptight about being verbal but words really are the best for giving directions when needed. Have fun in this new adventure.
    Side note, I’ll never forget the online confession on FML. A girl wrote that her boyfriend was really pushing her to make eye contact while she went down on him. Her problem went something like, “I didn’t have the heart to tell him that there was not enough of him to do both at the same time.”
    *At least your man is packing. 👌

  8. The bare minimum is men saying nice things to you while you get them off. Flutter your eyelashes

  9. i literally have a praise kink.

    *lord i have seen what youve done for others*….. x.x

  10. Nothing weird or wrong with that. Sounds like a nice guy who’s obviously into you.

  11. Nothing wrong with that. He sounds like a nice guy who’s obviously into you.

  12. He may have thought he needed to do something so he said that. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  13. So……so whenever anything happens to anyone they just make a post on this subreddit no matter how mundane?

  14. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess, that maybe, perhaps, he thought you looked pretty…

    What else is there to think of it? It’s pretty direct.

  15. Establishing dominance by eyeballing him with his junk your mouth.. of course there was some positive reassurance

  16. Like saying good girl lol. I’ve been called pretty too lol just keep going lmao
    He probably says the same to everyone. Or he meant it.
    If he isn’t complimenting you when you aren’t doing anything sexual…then you should wonder. Other than that I don’t see a problem here.

  17. Kinda weird having your own dick in your mouth. But hey if you’re pretty, YOU ARE PRETTY!

  18. It’s the first compliment his brain could conjure from its catalogue of complements whilst being distracted by the state of utter ecstasy you’re putting him through. Take it as a complement because that’s what it is.

  19. Some guys find it very sexy when you make an eye contact with them during the blowjob. He was having a great time and he finds you pretty, nothing wrong with his compliment lol.

  20. That’s in our SOP. When getting head, one must remember to say something nice.

  21. jesus christ are people weird nowadays….

    You were sucking his dick and he called your pretty. That’s all it was. You’re pretty when you’re giving him what he wants. Why is this so hard to understand?

    Ask him if you’re pretty at your worst of times- in his mind- not at the worst of times for you.

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