What can a woman do to make you feel understood?

  1. Mirror what you hear; the words or emotions conveyed. Give space by not saying anything but letting them know you’re there. And ask follow-up questions to deepen your understanding. Applaud him for sharing. Make him feel you’re interested in his thoughts and feelings and the way he processes things

  2. Nothing.

    A) I don’t need understanding from women.

    B) I don’t think women *can* understand men.

  3. that’s a two-way street situation.

    you have to be able to talk long enough to be able to know what you want to discuss in a clear and concise way.

    she obviously has to be able to listen but what that means is that she has to give you the floor in a particular way where you can essentially ramble long enough to feel understood.

    feeling understood takes time because you have to know exactly what’s going on inside of you and in order to know, you have to be able to process your thoughts out loud.

    The better you’re able to speak and discuss, the better chances the woman (or even anybody) will understand you and therefore help you feel understood.

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