I make friends easily. I do like all of my friends, but somehow all my closest friends are the ones I hate the most. I could consider them my best friends and yet I still hate them more than my less close friends. I'm nicer to my more distant friends and I like them and enjoy their presence, as with my closest friends. My closest friends are also very alike to me, but also wildly different. I'm wondering if it's because I hate myself or if it's because I hate them. I've been wondering if the only reason I stick around with them is cause they're the ones closest to me, and I've known them for a while. Maybe I'm comfortable? But why do I always end up hating my closest friends? Why do I get meaner the closer we are? I feel as if I don't view them as human anymore. I can't tell if it's cause it's them as a person that I hate, or I just hate everyone like this.

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