TLDR: My (25f) bf (29m) moved to a different country three months before me and initially hid his group of friends who consisted of only girls, to avoid conflict with me. Now I have met the girls and they are all super nice but I am still super uncomfortable around them due to the things he hid from me that keeps coming up and how things were handled in the past. Now he said he is tired of being uncomfortable himself when we hang out with them and said he’d prefer I didnt go with them, and eventually leaves me to go.

My(25f) bf (29m) moved in February to a different country and met a group of girls during a walking tour. He spends almost all his free time with them, and in the past month, two guys have joined this group of friends as well. He initially hid the fact that it was only girls until I had to confront him, I do admit I would have been uncomfortable if he told me directly too. It took a lot of time and a therapist to finally make him see how his getting angry at me about this wasn’t in any way helpful and for him to understand me.

Fast forward to now, I arrived a month and a half ago and have been trying to hang out with them, and we did cancel on them a lot in the beginning as it was way too overwhelming for me. The day after I arrived, he admitted to hiding other stuff like parties he has been to, etc. And all this was too much to process but he was very understanding in the beginning and was okay with us canceling. I always got kind of uncomfortable when we hung out because I was afraid of hearing stuff that would trigger me. One such thing happened when a friend talked about how he went crazy at a party and I had no idea about this.

He eventually said that because it was his only group of friends here, he felt like he was being controlled. So I started agreeing to all plans but I still couldn’t control my lack of comfort….Today I told him that it’s fine if I am not always there since he said when I am there and uncomfortable, he can’t have fun. He then proceeds to agree to a plan to go to a beach party starting at 6 pm (with the 5 girls and one other guy) and said that if it’s gonna be weird for me, he’d rather I didn’t go, since I said it was fine that I am not always there. And I mean, I can’t be the only one to think that is definitely not the way to go? Maybe a dinner together or coffee together when I’m not there is more what I meant, not a beach party starting at 6 pm going all the way to late-night when I am home alone because I assumed I was going with them…..

And he first understood and said he gets that it’s unfair to him but they are moving away soon and he wants to be able to have fun with them without things in his head. He eventually consoles me when I say I feel hurt and invites me, but I know it wasn’t genuine because he only has one ticket (which a friend from the group had for him but none of them thought of me). And now I don’t even know why I am here. I get it can be frustrating because its his only group of friends here, and that its been more than a month and I still dont feel the ability to open up. But I dont think I would ever do this to my partner.. I do understand his side, but I dont think its fair to me at all and he somehow made it seem like my fault and I am so confused. He eventually said he’ll leave and when we come home we need to talk about how to fix the relationship. Doesnt he seem like he doesnt care about it enough to put this party before me?

Now I am in a foreign country, living in an apartment we leashed together and I dont know if this is worth fighting for anymore or if I am really the problem for being so emotional.

  1. It reads to me like he knows that his friendship with these people crosses boundaries for you. Rather than finding new friends or talking it out, he hid it first, then blindsided you about it, then pushed you into spending time with them while telling you it’s not fun when your around. Now, he’s telling you to stay home so he can have fun. Nothing and I mean nothing about this is acceptable. He doesn’t care about your feelings, and in the long run only want to do what he wants with your blessing. Your feelings of distrust and concern are valid given his described behavior. It’s up to you to decide if you want to wait it out (since you mentioned they’re moving) or if you should not try to make it work with this guy. Honestly, he sounds like he’s not a good fit for your needs.

  2. I will never understand why men or women cry when the person they cheat on wants nothing to do with them like omg please honey do yourself a favor break up with this douchebag I promise your prince is out there but you may run into a few frogs along the way

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