Messed up at work earlier this week, shared some information externally that I wasn't supposed to. It happened again today because I sent out materials before sign off to get them out by EOD. I'm in a mid-level position and these are honestly dumb mistakes. It was careless, and I'll do what I can to fix it in the future.

Someone senior has already scheduled a meeting with me Monday and said we need to talk about this. Given it's my second mistake in the same week, I know other senior leaders are going to hear about it and talk to me about it as well. I'm already feeling humiliated and I'll probably feel unsettled through the weekend. The person speaking to me on Monday definitely has a bad impression of me already from the first mess-up.

Just would appreciate any advice on dealing with the feeling of humiliation as people talk to me on Monday. Is there really a graceful way to even reply in this scenario where I've messed up twice? Honestly feeling nervous to even look at my work inbox now. I know it's just going to be bad news galore.

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