Soo I met this girl on a dating website, we chatted about our hobbies, interests and decided to meet for dinner somewhere. She said she wants to go to a bar so we went to a bar nearby our place(we live very close to each other ~5 mins drive). She ordered cocktail and I ordered beer, we talked about our backgrounds, she talked about her job like she has a night shift and has to leave early. She had a craving for cookies so I took her at a place and we got cookies. After spending like 2 hours with her, I dropped her at her apartment, she gave me a hug and said she’ll let me know when to meet next time and went home. I sent her a few messages asking how she’s doing, how did her weekend went. It’s been almost 1 week and she hasn’t even responded once. She did say she’s going to Miami with her friends but c’mon, who doesn’t check their phone in this generation and wouldn’t it be nice to at least respond? I’m not sure what’s going on in her mind, whether she’s interested or not. I’d be okay if she said she’s not interested to talk but no response is just driving me crazy. Any advice is appreciated!!
Sorry if this post was too long and uninteresting.

  1. sounds like a see you next tuesday, but I wouldn’t sweat it. You landed a date and I’m sure you will land another. Take this as a sign of confidence that other women are willing to go out with you.

  2. She’s not interested. Don’t send any more texts. Trust me, if she were interested she would respond. Idc if she’s going across the globe, when a girl is truly interested in a guy she will respond.

  3. >I sent her a few messages asking how she’s doing, how did her weekend went.
    >It’s been almost 1 week and she hasn’t even responded once.

    She’s not interested. You’ve been ghosted. Leave her alone. Delete the text from your phone so you’re not tempted to keep following up. If you have to, delete her number. If she texts you down the road, great.

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