I (24f) don't love my gf (25f). To preface, this is my first relationship and we've been dating for 10 months now.

I care for my girlfriend a lot. She is kind, funny, smart, beautiful, and so much more. I love her… But I'm not in love with her. I don't know if I ever was in love with her, or if it was all infatuation from first romance. All I know is that she deserves better. I don't wanna be around her most of the time. I don't do the things a loving partner does…

I talked to my sister about this a couple months ago and she told me to wait it out. That maybe I was going thru something and I'd fall in love. But I don't think that's going to happen. We both have mental illnesses that just arent compatible with each other. We argue often because of it…

When I'm with her, I'm just not happy. My mind is other places. And when I Invision my future, she isn't there. She's been talking recently about me moving in with her, and my mind automatically can't think of anything id rather not do more. I feel like a piece of shit because of all of it.

I'm writing this mostly just to get this off my chest. It's weighing pretty heavy on me. I care for her so much, and I don't want hurt her. But me staying would hurt her more in the long run, I know that. But I'm also writing this for some advice on how to break up with her. This is the only relationship I've ever been in. I don't know how to end things. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciate.

I'm not in love with my gf and I don't know how to break up with her

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