Hi there!

I (26M) am one year married to a (22F) Wife and i really adore her and love her. I love her manners, values, what she does for me and i think that from character she is a perfect woman and my family adores her too.

But.. only thing i miss is sexual satisfaction or sexual attraction towards my wife sometimes.
Rarely i enjoy our bed time and she often doesnt want to have sex or she have pain during/after our sex, which makes me and her more dislike our sex life.

Me i like to have sex at least once a day, but she only wants to have sex once in 3-4 days and when we do it she experience pain (probably because i am too big) and the next day she doesnt want it, because it hurts, which i understand, but it frustrates me then since i cannot have sex and i get very angry inside and try not to vent it on her and when i tell her that, she gets pissed off.

We’ve tried to talk about it few times, but we never found any solution. Basically i cannot fulfill my needs and she doesn’t want it or cannot have sex with me often.

Do you have any tips? Do you think i should try to work it out or just try to look for a more compatible partner?

I love her, but it doesnt work..

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