I (M) am part of a friend group where one of the girls is single and I'm interested in her. We've had some lighthearted conversations, and she laughs at my jokes (and everyone else's), but hasn't shown clear interest or disinterest beyond that.

She's very close with one of the guys in our group in a completely platonic way – she even helped him get with his current girlfriend. I'm considering asking her out for coffee, but I'm hesitant because we're all in the same friend group.

I'm thinking about asking this guy friend if she's said anything about me that might signal her interest one way or another. Some friends (from other friend group) say it's a smart move to avoid potential awkwardness, while others say it's disrespectful to her privacy and could start rumors.

What do you think? Should I ask her friend for insight, or just go ahead and ask her out directly? Or maybe I should wait till her interest becomes more clear naturally?

Any advice on navigating this situation within a friend group would be appreciated.

TL;DR: Interested in a girl in my friend group. Not sure if I should ask her close guy friend about her potential interest before asking her out. Need advice.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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