I [25M] have a relatively young relationship with a nice girl [25F] (4 months/15 dates, met her parents), which also is my first relationship, but I have realized that I don't like her as much as I thought so I want to break-up. The problem is we are semi-long-distance (1 hour train apart): how do I break-up?

Texting is obviously not an option but the other options also have issues:

  • Video-calling still is not a very polite option but is more personal and is instantly clear.
  • Doing it in real life requires me to schedule a meeting but that requires me to either lie (by omission) by pretending it is just a normal date or to (indirectly) tell her that I want to break-up, in which case I either cause her several days of anxiety or I should tell her instantly.

So how do I do this properly in a way that is respectful and minimizes her anxiety?

TLDR: I want to break up with a 4-month semi-long-distance relationship but don't know how to do that properly in real-life or via video-calling.

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