Please help! my guy best friend and I cuddled on the couch legitamitly for 6 hours this weekend and the next day he mentioned “making moves” on another girl. For context, my friend is a physically affectionate guy, but i think this was past platonic norms. At one point I could feel his heart race as I played with his hair. He dragged his fingers across my lips and we had a a full conversation laying down forehead to forehead, nose to nose. He had his head resting on my boobs for most of the night. I could tell he was covering a boner at certain points, at one point one of our friends came in and called him out for it. (he was a bit high early in the night so it could have been that). nothing of real sexual substance ended up happening bec we are both anxious virgins/ he doesn’t like me. Long story short (i’m leaving out a lot of info)- why would he stay up all night w me talking and touching and then mention another girl the next day?! he said he is disappointed that he wasn’t invited to another party bec he could have hit on this girl. Does he like me and is trying to make me jealous- or is he dense and didn’t read it as sexual/romantic- or maybe he is just a bad person❤️ idk pls help

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