We have been together for 3 years and have 2 kids. I am a veteran and prior 7 years law enforcement. Over my careers I have met numerous people and I use Facebook just to stay in contact with great individuals I have met over my life. I thoroughly explain this to her and my intentions for my use of Facebook. Any female she asks about I can thoroughly explain how I've known and met them. I sincerely explain to her the who, when, and how to her and she make me out to just be a liar because she knows how men are and her experiences. I really get pissed off for the simple fact I'm being compared to the men that has cheated on her. I've found myself becoming really numb to her false accusations and assumptions. She can't seem to realize how focused of a parent I am striving into my new company that I want to focus on for generational wealth of the kids.

By the way I have never cheated AT ALL. She knows all my whereabouts when ever I'm not home because I myself is big on communication. Most importantly this is an issue that has been quite effective on my decision towards marriage. She wants marriage and I have respectfully told her we have things to work on according to the decision of marriage.

(marriage is red flag to me according to her actions in my eyes)

We use counseling but when I voice my concerns to our counselor she takes it as I'm making her out to be the bad person. I'm just voicing on what I think we need help to work through but she just wants to always point at me and say everything is because of me.

TL;DR – GF is very insecure and jump to negative assumptions. She will demand I unfriend people as well. If she see I have like a females post that has liked mine it will turn into a fight. The most recent scenario I remained speechless because I am exhausted.

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