So about 6 months ago this new girl started working at my job, she was really nice, energetic, and had a really positive attitude to her. We got a long really well right of the bat and both liked working with each other. I always thought she was attractive but she wasnt really my type physically. Fast forward to late May I really started to fall in love with this girl and we became really good friends. She was funny, kind, smart, high energy, and I just loved being around her. I never knew if she liked me the same way so I didn't say anything about it. In the past month we have been texting each other all day when we aren't at work. She sends me good morning/good night texts, asks about my life (hobbies/interests) and wants to hear stories, always asking what I'm up to, motivates me on stuff I might be struggling on, prays for me, compliments my personality often, gives me nicknames, and just really cares about me. I reciprocate the same things, do little things for her all the time. I really really like this girl and she's the person I had no idea I needed.

My only problem is that I'm leaving out of state for college soon and I don't know if it's the best idea to ask her out and ask if she would consider a long distance relationship. I'm willing to do what it takes as long as I can be with her. I just don't know what to do and I don't want to risk the fiendship we already have. Any advice thanks 🙂

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