22M and just graduated college a couple of weeks ago and started recently at work (which I am very fortunate to have). I can’t help but feel pretty sad and empty, I worked so hard and here I am I have a nice job, and now I just work? I know you have to contribute to make a living I just feel a little empty right now like this is all I am going to be doing wake up 6am back at home by 6:30pm, eat, cook and clean. Is this normal? How do get rid of this feeling?

Any help from those that have made it beyond this stage would really be appreciated.

  1. Ah, welcome. Sucks, doesn’t it? Trust me, I know.

    the feeling doesn’t go away. if you like or can even tolerate your job it makes it easier to deal with.

  2. You wake up at 6:00am and only get back at 6:30pm? That seems like a long work day. If it’s the commute that eats up the time, I’d either look for a job that’s closer to where I live or move closer to my workplace. If it’s the work itself, I’d look for a job with more reasonable work hours.

    I work full-time, go out almost every day (for my more active/sporty hobbies or for more casual hangouts), and still have a few hours left over to relax and recharge on my own. I actually really like my job, but I’m very much working-to-live rather than living-to-work.

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