We’ve been together for nearly a year and a half, and so far everything’s been great as far as relationships go.

My boyfriend is gone to his lake right now for a week, and I’m not there with him as I’ve been working, etc. He usually always brings me up with him to see his family and such. This was one of those odd times I wasn’t able to come up. Anyways, today is day 3 of not seeing him and so he called me before we went to bed.

We were getting to talking and my boyfriend made a joke on the phone that caught me off guard. To put this into perspective, he usually makes jokes with me and most if not all of them are fairly harmless and just out of fun. We were both in bed and just having a conversation over the phone.

What happened was, I was asking him what he was going to be doing for the day tomorrow. He immediately piped in with; “I’m going to be wearing the edge of this bed out.” At first I was confused… so I asked him what he meant. And he said “A girl is coming over tomorrow, my other girlfriend. She’s going to fulfill my wants and my needs.”

Immediately I was upset. I’ve been cheated on in a relationship in my past and it was TERRIBLE. My ex who cheated had also constantly joked about it, while secretly in the act of doing it. I already have some insecurities and tend to overthink sometimes, so this hit me super hard when I heard my current boyfriend make a joke like that. I told him it wasn’t funny, and that I didn’t agree that cheating was something to be joking about as I’ve been through it before. My boyfriend then said, “I’m just joking around, you know I would never do that to you.”

Sure it offered some reassurance with him saying that, and I honestly do believe he wouldn’t do such a thing, but it just isn’t sitting right with me. I don’t know if it was the way he worded it, or if I’m being too sensitive.

I am not sure how to go about how I feel about this, would someone be able to give me some words of advice?

TL;DR, – My boyfriend made an insensitive joke about cheating and I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or not.

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