My boyfriend (22M) and I (22F) started living together about a year ago. we recently got a puppy and he doesn't really help with her. He'll take her outside with him when he works out but I feel like that's the bare minimum since he would be going outside to workout anyway. He doesn't feed her or bathe her and barely shows her attention. Today I asked him to give her a bath for the first time and he said he "doesn't want to". Fine, I respect him voicing how he feels but at this point I feel that it's a red flag. When we have issues with the dog he doesn't try to offer solutions or advice. I figure it out on my own. So now it's becoming a problem for me because I'm wondering if this is a sign of what he'll be like as a father. I feel like I'll be doing everything on my own if we did have kids and he would just do the bare minimum and swear he's present. is this a valid comparison? I would hate to have kids for someone who is already showing me that they're not involved.

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