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Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. After having been in Malaysia for a few weeks now (8th time here in total, but first extended visit since 2011) there have of course been quite a few changes.

    One is that car and motorbike ownership is very widespread indeed now.

    Public transport is less and less useful, particularly for smaller places.

    There are also far more local people travelling around now… tourist locations here used to attract a lot of foreigners, but now you always meet Malaysians from other parts of the country.

    Signs of a wealthier country I guess.

  2. Every time I hear political news since COVID, something unbelievable seems to happen. That Trump assassination attempt was something else. What’s next? An Israeli-Iranian nuclear exchange?

    On that note, if you had to leave the country where you are currently living in where would you move? I’d probably just go try for New Zealand, Australia, or Canada for obvious reasons. Of course, I’ve seen from relatives that being an immigrant is no fun, so maybe I should get more credentials first to live more like those expat influencers.

  3. I was at a bar last night discussing with a friend the recent deaths of Shelley Duvall and Richard Simmons, wondering who the third celebrity death would be (since celebrity deaths often come in threes). We joked that maybe it would be one of the major presidential candidates (or both). It was close, but instead it was Dr. Ruth, someone I only know about through New York Times crosswords.

    On that note, is anyone here a big fan of crossword puzzles and other word-based games?

  4. What were your holidays like as a kid? 

    Where our beach house is, there are so many families with kids. We didn’t have one when we were kids, but my parents always took us to the beach once a year, and to various smaller trips. Still, we spent most of the holidays just running around and playing with friends (Turkey has looong holidays). When I see the kids here playing and running around all day, dark-roasted in the sun, at the beach until sunset, their parents trying to shepherd them home for dinner, it makes me happy to see that there are still kids who have this kind of free range lifestyle that I enjoyed as a child. Kids should not be confined within four walls.

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