Dating has been hard for me like many other man that post on here through school when I was young I would talk to girls and they would always in one way or another tell me they weren’t interested. I had other girls that would say I would love to date a guy like you or you would be a great boyfriend but nothing ever happened because they were obviously just complementing me, cut to now I’m 26 and same thing I always end up with empty hands and nothing happened now there’s this girl that I was snapping and she gave me some hints but I hesitated took too long now she hasn’t opened my snaps in like 3 or so days and I was thinking of sending this girl a third messages just saying that I feel like we vibed very well and that I wanted to hang out with her but I have a feeling she’s going to ignore that message too I sent her two previous videos on snap she hasn’t opened them. What should I do. Also if I do decide to move on where should I go to approach girls so I can get the ball rolling. Dating apps are cancer and you have to spent an ungodly amount of time swiping in order to get a match I’m not a bad looking dude but I never really got attention from women until I started growing facial hair which was recently. I’m just tired of things never going anywhere.

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