Advice Needed

Hi, I know that this probably won’t be seen by many, but I’m in a tough spot and I’m looking for guidance.

Recently, I’ve realized I’ve been around a person who was never really a friend to me, and if anything is a b*tch to people she doesn’t know. For context, I (14F), have been dealing with a girl who became my “friend” through a girl, I got connected to one school year. I figured out pretty quickly, that i had to be careful with whatever, I said to her because she’d usually respond rudely/or in a “no, duh” sorta way(always thinks she’s right). If you go on to my acc, I think the post of what happened between us is still there. Her pseudonym name is “Jasmine”, but anyways I’m getting very tired of her acting as if what she did to me wasn’t hurtful especially because she knows things about me that others don’t. She tried to “rekindle” our relationship since, by asking if i want to sign her shirt for the end of the year, trying to friend me on a gaming platform me and her other friends play on(i had already previously unfriended her), saying happy birthday to me on SnapChat(which she’s still added because i think we both know if either of us unfriended each other, it would lead to “confusion” in the friend group. I think she knows that i don’t want to continue our friendship, and don’t think she cares, which honestly doesn’t sting as much as I thought it would, I’m not longer speaking to her, and I’ve since unfriended her from the gaming platform, I’m not sure if it’s too much, but I think she knows, what she did was wrong and it broke our already very fragile relationship. I know telling my friends is a stupid idea that will only lead to drama or them leaving me. I just want to cut her out entirely because I’m tired of her thinking she can fix something without communicating, I want to leave both group chats I have with her and block her on all platforms, but I don’t know if that’s too harsh, I feel like I should to talk to her first but then I think I’ll want to stay. Any help would be appreciated. Sorry if this was too long. Thank you for reading, have a good day/night

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