We’ve been together almost a year. We went the entire day going back and forth about rather or not this is controlling. My take is, I just don’t want to be with someone who is comfortable publicly displaying their support of someone (a woman) who is sexualizing herself while in a relationship with me. It’s no different to me when I see my bfs IG handle following an instagram model than if we were to walk past her on the street and he whistles at her while holding my hand.
His take is basically just not wanting me to control him. I do feel like in general, you do sacrifice some autonomy to be in a relationship though. If you could have your cake and eat it too… well everyone would.
Feeling like I should walk away because this isn’t really a negotiable for me. But is that controlling or a boundary?

TL;DR bf thinks he should be able to follow whoever he wants as long as he deems it respectful

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