Before this begins, I posted this on a different subreddit but it was taken down for some reason.

So before I get into my question I want to give some context. Basically me and my boyfriend have been together for a month now, I’ve known him for almost 3 years and we were kind of in a friends with benefits thing before we became official. Before we officially got together me and I’ll just call him Alex, we always texted. Everyday and through out the day we would text and sometimes call consistently, and it was a very natural thing and at the time not much was happening in our lives. When our relationship became official we still texted consistently but I had just got a new job and my first week at the new job I had 30 hours that week so I was really exhausted. To get to my question, me and Alex have talked about his needs and how I haven’t texted like how I usually do and when I do I sometimes sound “out of it” or just don’t care about talking to him, this is kinda what Alex said. I feel, I still do, really bad about it because I knew I wasn’t texting much and I didn’t want to be rude to him at all. I guess I’m just looking for some advice on how we should fix this in a way because I’m fine not texting everyday or only having brief conversation in the morning and right before bed but I do know that his needs need to be met and he likes to talk to me a lot throughout the day.

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