Like it says. The hysterical bonding has been intense the last 3 weeks since I found out about the cam girls. I’ve broken up with him. Since I found out he’s been paying women to watch him get off he’s stopped the cams, started therapy and has been showering me with gifts, attention and affection. Today in my idiotic, emotional moment of weakness I texted about marriage. He did a total 180 on me shooting me down, saying that IM trying to trick him into a “financial entanglement”. He has double down on these accusations basically calling me a gold digger and thanking me for showing him who I am. I live at his house so I’ll need a game plan on moving out. Needing advice on how to manage that when we both seem to hate each other.

  1. Move asap. Separate your finances immediately. Sleep on a friends couch if you have to. Staying will make you both miserable. Make sure you block him on your phone and social media.

  2. Hes a 50 year old boy. Both too old for you and too young for you. If you picked an older guy for maturity, this one wasn’t the one. He’s immature as hell without having the youth of a guy your own age. Get your game plan and move on to better things.

  3. * 50 year old guy with a 30 year old woman – huge age difference. Check.
    * Love bombing after getting caught cheating. Check.
    * Does 180 AFTER he thinks he’s won her back because she mentions marriage. Check and double check.
    * 50 year old guy demonstrates the emotional depth of a petri dish and maturity level which would be insulting to a a 12 year old if we were to compare him to one. Check and mate.

    What’s to manage. Lock down all your accounts, credit, passwords, and PINs. Secure all your important personal documents. Find a place to crash temporarily until you can find a permanent place of your own. Brace yourself for the inevitable Phase II lovebombing.

    Get out.

  4. What is “micro cheating” ??? All cheating is cheating. There’s no micro.

    Anyway, idk what you’re doing with this weird old gross man but you deserve better. Please move on from this.

  5. I was engaged to a woman almost 20 years my senior who also cheated on me. DM if you wish. She pulled the same shit, begging me to come back and treating me like dirt when I caved. It’s wrong, it’s unhealthy, and I promise you sweet child whether you see it now or not, it’s ABUSE. All caps, full stop. He’s emotionally abusing you, and I’d personally lay him out like a rug if I knew where he was.

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