Edit: in case it wasn't clear, I meant that (some) people admire their monarchies. I know there are anti-monarchy movements at least in some of those countries and others that tend to despise their monarchs too

In the 21st century monarchies the head of state does not hold any real power, right? Then, how come people say X Queen/King had an "amazing" reign?

This applies to various European monarchs that have reigned as a constitutional monarch. If they were a constitutional monarch they had no power, they did nothing, then, it's impossible and ilogical to add an adjective to their reigns.

Of course, they could have been some important stable figures and of course it might hurt and be hard to process their deaths, but saying they were a "great King/Queen" or that they carried out "their duties flawlessly" What duties?

Is my train of thought okay?

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