I (26M) and my now ex (24F) have been in a relationship for about 5 years. We’ve have our fair share of ups and downs like most relationships that have lasted this long. For the past year our relationship has changed to long distance as I my mom and I had to move states due to her job (yes I still live with my mom as I can’t afford rent and so does she). We agreed to give it a try but unfortunately that didn’t end well. A few weeks ago I jokingly asked if she wanted a hall pass because she kept mentioning that she kept getting cat called. This was meant as a joke nothing more like water under a bridge. Anyways a few days passed and she told me that a guy cat called her and asked for her number, she gave it to him and didn’t mention that she had a boyfriend what so ever to him. Right after that she told me what happened and asked about the hall pass again; I told her that it made me uncomfortable and the hall pass was a joke. she blocked him after that. A week goes by and she mentions again about the hall pass and that she had unblocked that guy earlier in the morning and had been talking to him all day. Me being fed up with this situation I told her if you get a hall pass then so do I, she didn’t like that at all absolutely and said no. Not even 30 minutes later she said fine to those terms. Keep in mind I had no intention of ever using that hall pass I was just fed up with the situation. Anyways she asked if this would end our relationship and I said I don’t know, it might. She still went on with the hall pass. Not even 12 hours later she was over at that dudes house sleeping with him. After that we talked and I was pissed off as anyone would be but not the fact that it happened just how quick it happened. After that we talked about it and we agreed that we both needed time to think about things and that we should go on a break but not see anyone. Again not even 2 days later she hits me with the “I wanna see him again” text. We get into a fight, and she ends up at his place again. After that she texts me she misses me while still at his place (we had each others location). I’m beyond upset at this point and tell her “please don’t text me that while you’re still at his place” another fights happens and she starts saying she fucked up all that. Other things happen that I’m not gonna get into but long story short I had to call an ambulance and she was rushed to the ICU. After she got out we talked more and it had come to terms that we should brake up. She asked if there’s a future with me and I told her that we have a lot of growing to do before we can talk about that. She agreed. She told me she was gonna work on her self and she’ll prove it to me. It has been 2 days since she told me that but I’m pretty sure last night and tonight she was with that guy.

Is it wrong of me to be upset even thought I gave her the green light?

What Should I do?

For anyone wondering why I stayed so long it’s because I truly do love her. Im also not the best looking guy out there so I guess there’s that too and she legit drop dead gorgeous

(Side story)
Every time we’ve been on a “break” the rules are always the same, don’t sleep with anyone. And for every break we’ve been on the next day she’s sleeping with someone else. I’m not perfect either as I watch porn and things like that but I have never touched another female even when we were on a break.

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