For some background, me and my sister have never gotten along especially with our indifferent attitude even when we’re children. Growing up, we would often leave each other alone but she would make negative comments about me, especially about how spoiled I am. Sometimes she would tell me that to my face, I just assume that she was jealous about how I still get to see my father often while she didn’t.
Sometimes, she would apologize and come back steal stuff from me. At first, it would perfumes and body lotions that I would get my father then it would jewelry, furniture, clothes, and shoes. I would be upset and demanding for them back. She would give them back and leave me along until something else goes missing. I talked to my mother about this several times but she always say “ you should just give your stuff up to the community bucket”. A community bucket is where everyone gets to use it freely without asking the owner. I got upset about that and made a list of how much money and how dear everything of mine is. She finally understand what I meant by that, because my sister had been stealing from her also. My mom was planning to put locks on mine and her doors. Now she is keeps taking and taking my stuff without asking even when I’m right in front of her. Sometimes when I ask for my stuff back, she would throw them at me. Today she asked for my water spray to cut her boyfriend’s hair, I politely asked her to leave my room so she wouldn’t steal anything but she refused, so I gave her the taste of her own medicine and throw the spray bottle at her. My sister got mad and proceeded to yell at me about how I always hated her and always rude to her.

At this point, I’m about to start locking up my room or switching to a keypad door knob.

Other than that, she would bang on the restroom door whenever me and my brothers were in it like it was some FBI raid. She would get impatient by us taking forever when she takes 30 minutes to an hour in the bathroom. My brothers and I would hide whenever she is upset like we did something to her. Often time, we leave her alone. My mom tried to talk to her about her problem but she would keep doing it over and over again.

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